Our products and services
are oriented towards the needs of
our members
Through co-operatives we realise
a sense of togetherness and prosperity
in the economy



Tunas Sejahtera Employee Co-operative is a not-for-profit employee benefit scheme, which is owned and controlled by the members, with no outside shareholders to satisfy. We run salary savings and loans schemes to promote the well-being of our staff.

Our members are encouraged to save regularly every month, and this forms a pool of money which is lent to members by way of loans at reasonable rates of interest. Savings and loan installments are automatically taken from monthly salary.

Koperasi Tunas Sejahtera was established on April 13, 2009, with legal entity number 39 / BH / XXVII.9 / V / 2009. We are located at Jalan Ngurah Rai No. 52 XX Sanur, Denpasar - Bali.

In order to carry out its operations, Tunas Sejahtera Employee Co-operative has implemented integrated IT-based work methods. Ease of service to members is provided with Mobile Co-operative (MKOP) application services. Since its establishment, Koperasi Tunas Sejahtera has experienced significant growth; this is reflected in the increasing business performance and results achieved, as presented in the co-operative’s financial statements.


Our vision is to be a co-operative that is “RESILIENT and PARTICIPATES IN SUPPORTING THE ECONOMY OF OUR MEMBERS”.


  1. Improve the professionalism of co-operative management
  2. Improve the quality of services & co-operative governance to ensure that it is transparent and accountable
  3. Increase the active participation of members as owners & users of co-operative services
  4. Establish business co-operation with various parties to increase benefits for members

Strategic Targets

  1. Learning & Growth Aspects
    – Increase Manager & Employee Competencies
    – Improve the Effectiveness of IT Implementation
    – Increase Employee Productivity
  2. Internal Aspects of the Process
    – Improve the Quality of Co-operative Management
    – Improve the Quality of Members in Co-operative Relations
  3. Customer Aspects
    – Improve Co-operative Imaging
    – Increase Member / Customer Satisfaction
  4. Financial Aspects

Purpose of Establishment

Our Purpose of Establishment is to improve the welfare of members of the co-operative, which at the end of the work period is achieving goals, which must be displayed in the members’ economic promotion reports. Therefore, the goals that have been formulated must be translated into quantitative measures, and can be measured in units of money.

Membership and Capital

The members of Karywan Tunas Sejahtera Co-operative consist entirely of employees who work for the PT. Tunas Jaya Sanur Group. These employees, in accordance with the provisions in the Articles of Association, are grouped into two parts consisting of members and extraordinary members. In 2019, there was a significant increase in the number of members due to the inclusion of employees who had not yet registered in the co-operative becoming members, this was in addition to the members who had terminated their membership due to retirement or had died.
Based on Article 37 of the Articles of Association of Tunas Sejahtera Employee Co-operatives, co-operative capital consists of own capital and loans. Own capital can come from: principal savings, mandatory savings, voluntary savings, special savings, reserves, and grants. While loan capital can originate from equity participation of members, companies, banks and financial institutions, public funds, and other legitimate sources, equity participation sourced from both government and community capital participation.

On the other hand, the savings component has become a special concern, both in terms of its management (funding management) and administration with the commencement of the determination of services to Members’ Retirement Deposits (SiMaPan) as stimulants and co-operative efforts in providing proportional benefits in advance to their members. Even this policy is part of the co-operative’s follow-up to build a new paradigm of Remaining Operational Results and the level of co-operative productivity in the future.

In addition, the policy becomes part of reforming co-operative taxation so that a balance point can be reached immediately where obligations and payments are in accordance with applicable regulations. The amount of Co-operative Working Capital sourced from member savings includes: Principal Deposits, Mandatory Deposits, Special Deposits, Voluntary Deposits, time deposits and SiMaPan as an important part of co-operative working capital components.

Management Team


Wayan Karyana
Ni Wayan Puspa
A.A. Ayu Raka M


Ketut Sudana
Gusti Made Sujana
Kadek Muliana
Kadek Dewi
Komang Putra
Made Febrianti


Through co-operation we realise a sense of togetherness and prosperity in the economy

Kredit tersalurkan
active members
Years of Serving